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About Us


Specially Curated Tastings

Gaze and marvel at the sheer majesty of one of the world’s Seven Natural Wonders and when you’ve soaked it in … come to the Victoria Falls Wine Experience for some out of this world wine where we offer carefully curated wines, in a relaxed rustic setting.

Book your tasting or make the Vic Falls Wine Experience part of your tour OR simply stroll in after work and tantalise and tease your wine palate with our award winning wines that have been thoughtfully sourced from some of the best wines farms in the world.

Wine brightens the life and thinking of anyone.

Thomas Jefferson

American president

A meal without wine is like a day without sunshine.

Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

French gastronome

My only regret in life is that I didn’t drink more Wine!

Ernest Hemingway

American novelist